Our Leagues


All leagues are focused on teaching the fundamentals of basketball and good sportsmanship while allowing participants to complete in fun, organized games.  We have two LEAGUES:  Developmental League (D-League) and SELECT League.  See more details below.

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The D-League is where most of our players participate.  We NORMALLY offer grades K-9th.   All registered players are placed on teams based on assigned divisions (grade level).  All players receive equal playing time and compete in games against other Solanco teams.  All practices and games are held in Solanco gyms.  The season starts generally after Thanksgiving and ends the first week in March (roughly).  Games start the first Saturday after the new year.  Normally around 8 games are played in a season.  One practice during the weeknight and one practice on Saturday until games start.  Then your Saturday practice is replaced by games.  PeeWee level plays all practices/games at QE gym on weeknights.  All other ages rotate between various gyms in the Solanco district.  There are no set nights for practices.

HEALTH & SAFETY UPDATE: We do not expect any unique restrictions for players and spectators at this time.  We use the facilities of the Solanco School District for our league and must adhere to their policies. 


The SELECT League is only for players in 4th, 5th and 6th grade that are seeking a more competitive and advanced basketball program.  Players MUST tryout and be chosen for the SELECT teams.  We have a 5th grade team and a 6th grade team (4th graders can play on the 5th grade team).  Our SELECT teams participate in the Lancaster Lebanon travel league and also participate in games at Spooky Nook Sports Complex.

See "Home" tab for tryout information.

HEALTH & SAFETY UPDATE We do not expect any unique restrictions for players and spectators at this time.  Since the travel league is held at other gyms as well as the Nook Sports complex we must agree to follow the protocols of whatever location we play.    

Grades K-1st 


Includes practices, games and team shirt

2nd & 3rd grade 
(boys & girls separate)


Includes practices, games and team shirt

4th-9th grade
 (boys & girls separate)


Includes practices, games, referee fees and team shirt 

SELECT LEAGUE 4th-6th grade (boys & girls separate)


Players must tryout and be selected for the team. Includes practices, games, Lancaster-Lebanon league fees, Nook fees and team jersey & shorts

Interested in joining our league!  GO TO "REGISTER HERE" TAB. 

See the Registration Tab on this site.
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